Why should you take this webinar

In this webinar, we will examine these questions:

• What should couples therapists know about working with men in intimate relationships?

• Do men in general need to be better versed in a more stereotypically feminine way of thinking about relationships? What about the inverse?

• To what extent should therapy approaches be gendered at all?

As part of the discussion, we will dissect a hypothetical, representative case study, examining these questions from different points of view.

Who should take this seminar?

This seminar is suitable mainly for clinicians seeking to expand their understanding of the male experience of couple therapy, but also for the general public who wish to better understand their partners or become more informed about the practice of therapy.

Webinar Presenters

This webinar is brought to you by the Centre for Male Psychology, and hosted by psychologist John Barry, with a special guest presenter – psychologist and relationships expert Shawn T Smith.

Webinar Presenter Shawn T. Smith

Shawn T. Smith is a licensed psychologist in private practice in the US. He has worked with couples for nineteen years. He is the author of The Tactical Guide to Women: How Men Can Manage Risk in Dating and Marriage and Gatekeeper: The Tactical Guide to Commitment. These books aim to help men make wise relationship choices.

Webinar Presenter John Barry

John Barry is a Chartered Psychologist and Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society (BPS), Honorary Lecturer in Psychology at University College London, clinical hypnotherapist and author of over 70 peer-reviewed publications on a variety of topics in psychology and health, including many on male psychology. John co-authored, with consultant clinical psychologist Martin Seager, the BPS practice briefing on ‘Psychological interventions to help male adults’ (BPS, 2022). He is also co-author (with Louise Liddon) of the first BPS textbook on male psychology, ‘Perspectives in Male Psychology: An Introduction’ (Wiley, 2021), co-editor of the ‘Palgrave Handbook of Male Psychology and Mental Health’ (Palgrave, 2019), and author of ‘Psychological Aspects of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome’ (Palgrave, 2019), which is about a condition characterised by elevated testosterone levels in women. John is co-editor (with Louise Liddon) of Male Psychology magazine (ISSN 2755-1466, Online). John co-founded The Centre for Male Psychology with Louise Liddon. He co-founded the Male Psychology Section of the BPS with Martin Seager. He was the Honorary Secretary of the BPS Male Psychology Section (2018-2019) and the Chair from 2019-2021. John was the lead organiser of the Male Psychology Conference which was held at UCL from 2014–2019, and the first two BPS Male Psychology Conferences (2020-2021).

How will this webinar equip you with valuable skills?

Whether you are a clinician or a client, this webinar provides participants the opportunity to:

  • Understand male experiences of couple therapy.

  • Identify and work with relationship behaviours that cluster around masculinity.

  • Better understand the needs of male clients, thereby better meeting the needs of both people in the relationship.

  • Help clients identify and meet their shared relationship goals.

What will this webinar help you achieve?

This webinar is intended to help participants achieve increased understanding of:

  • Common male relationship behaviors, especially those that look counterproductive on the surface but may in fact be attempts at problem-solving.

  • An increased understanding of interventions that welcome a male relationship perspective while still welcoming the female perspective.

  • An increased understanding of the strengths that each person in a couple brings to their intimate relationships.

Frequently Asked Questions

Got a question? You might find the answer here:

  • Should I already be familiar with male psychology before joining this webinar?

    The webinar is open to anyone with a genuine interest in helping men. Depending on how familiar you are with male psychology is it recommended to gain some foundational knowledge if possible. Recommendations include our article for those new to male psychology - https://www.centreformalepsychology.com/what-is-male-psychology; our magazine which hosts a range of articles by a range of experts on different male psychology topics - https://www.centreformalepsychology.com/male-psychology-the-magazine; our textbook on male psychology - https://www.centreformalepsychology.com/wiley-textbook-new-perspectives-in-male-psychology and our e-learning course, https://thecentreformalepsychology.thinkific.com/courses/IntroductiontoMalePsychologyandMentalHealth.

  • Will there be a recording?

    Booked a ticket and now unable to join us? A recording of the webinar will also be made available to registrants for 2 months. Please make sure you register ahead of the webinar to access the recording.

  • What does 'Continuing Professional Development (CPD)’ mean?

    Continuing, or continuous, professional development (CPD), can be broadly defined as any type of learning you undertake which increases your knowledge, understanding and experiences of a subject area or role. After attending the webinar you will receive a CPD certificate from The Centre for Male Psychology which will state the CPD in hours (rather than points). Attending this webinar does not qualify the learner to practice psychology, teach psychology, or imply to others that they are qualified to do so by virtue of having taken this webinar. As with all CPD, you will need to discuss specific eligibly criteria with your supervisor/HR manager regarding your specific profession.

  • Who can sign up for this webinar? I don't live in the UK, can I still buy this webinar?

    Anyone 18 years or older can take this webinar. You don’t need any formal qualifications as it is open to anyone with a genuine interest in helping men. We think it will however be of most benefit to those providing practitioner services. Please note however that this webinar is not intended to be used as a form of therapy. You will need to be able to take responsibility for your own learning and you will need to have access to, and be able to use either a phone, tablet, laptop, or desktop computer to access the webinar which is hosted on Thinkific and delivered by Zoom (see technical requirements in FAQ below). Yes, you can still buy this webinar if you don't live in the UK. Please note this webinar will be delivered in English and you may be charged a transaction fee by your card provider if paying in a different currency to GBP. *Pricing at the checkout is inclusive of any applicable taxes.

  • Why is the focus of this webinar on males? Is this webinar suitable for those wanting to find out more about Transgender Men or Transgender Women?

    Whilst males and females are very similar in many ways. there are differences, and these differences can make all the difference. In recent decades, gender studies and women’s studies have focused mainly on women, or male issues from a feminist perspective. In recent years there has been significant increase in webinars and trainings focusing on transgender men and women. This webinar focuses specifically on the topic of male psychology from a male-friendly perspective.

  • I'm having trouble buying this webinar, who can I contact?

    If you are having technical problems with the Thinkific platform e.g., signing up, logging in, getting the page to load etc., or using zoom then in the first instance please look at the next FAQ (below) for details relating to technical questions. If after this you are still experiencing an issue, please contact us by emailing us at [email protected] providing as much information as possible on the issue.

  • What are the technical requirements for this webinar??

    You will need to have access to, and be able to use either a phone, tablet, laptop, or desktop computer to run the course, which is hosted by Thinkific. You will also be required to use zoom to be able to access the live webinar. In general, you should have no problems if you have a modern device to run the webinar on. Please check that your desktop computer, laptop, tablet, smartphone, or smart device has the necessary technical requirements. You can view these here: for Thinkific see, https://tinyurl.com/39bkbh4x (Please note that having a PDF plugin is not necessary for this webinar). For Zoom see, http://tinyurl.com/4j4jjmuk.

  • How do I get my certificate? How much time do I have to access my account?

    You will be setup with an account on registration. You will have 2 month's access to your account after the webinar has finished. You will need to log in and download your certificate within this time as well as access any other materials available. Within this period, you are welcome to revisit any associated materials as many times as you want.

Benefits to joining our live webinar

Besides being an affordable way to independently develop your own insights, there will be:

  • Q&A from leading experts

    You will have access to experts in real time, with the opportunity to submit a question to Shawn and John before the event, as well as on the day. (Due to time limitations, it can’t be guaranteed that your question will be addressed).

  • Low Cost

    Our live webinar provides you affordable access to develop your knowledge and insights from experts, as well as receiving evidence of continuing professional development (CPD), highlighting your commitment to helping men.

  • Accessibility

    You can enjoy all of these advantages, and interactions with Shawn and John and other attendees without leaving your home, saving time and money on travel and accommodation. With 2 months access, you can also revisit the course.

Learn more about The Centre For Male Psychology

The Centre for Male Psychology is an organisation dedicated to advancing understanding and knowledge of male psychology.

What is Male Psychology?

Male Psychology can be considered the exploration of the complex, multifaceted experience of males, something often overlooked in the academic literature. Male psychology asks questions such as: what does existing research tell us about masculinity, and how best can we help with the mental health of men?